How to gain more male youth leaders

On average, only 37% of teachers are men in secondary schools; and in primary schools that figure is even lower at 15%.

That makes only 25% of all classroom teachers men. Men are not just less likely to become teachers – but also more likely to leave the job than women. With girls outperforming boys, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, some say the gender imbalance of teachers matters.

When we look within the Church, we see the same type of stats throughout our children’s work, on average, boys lose interest with Church and faith around the age of 12, compared to girls at 15, again pointing maybe an imbalance due to leaders within our children’s and youth work. 

So how do we encourage more male-models to join our groups and be envisioned to support boys in their faith journeys? Below are four general approaches that could to help you approach possible new male leaders.


Be intensional when selling the vision

Be honest about why you want them to join team and what the aim is. In this case it’s to specifically grow the lads you connect with to grow the male youth community. If men know there is a cause and reason you want them on team (rather than just a general helper), you’ll find that the challenge alone helps to provide a goal that is measurable by their efforts.


Have specific jobs that bring purpose

Generally, guys like to have something to do rather than spending time making conversation. In most cases conversation between men takes place most when doing something. So sometimes it’s important to have specific jobs to do. If you provide specific jobs to guys, it allows men to take something on and make it their own, while also getting alongside boys in conversation and encouraging them.


Provide responsibility to older male youth

A great asset we forget about is growing our younger male leaders within our older youth. When older boys are given responsibility its actually a chance for them to step up and be seen as role-models throughout the younger lads.


Allow pioneers to to try new things

Allow space for the guys on your team to be pioneering in improving that ways in which things are done. Guys generally like to fix and improve processes to make theirs and others lives easier.

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